Download mobile anti theft for nokia s60v3

mobile anti theft for nokia s60v3
 There is no way to detect your mobile thief. But you can detect few information about mobile thief by remote control.
 If your mobile is theft:
* you can detect theft mobile number
* you can wipe (remove) your personal data
* you can lock your mobile
* you can find your mobile location (if available)

How to possible this steps?
1. Download the application. Download link 
2. Install it in your mobile
3. Run the application
4. Go to setting of this application
mobile anti theft for nokia s60v3
5. "Lock Code" -Set a lock code  for this application
6. "Remote Lock" - To lock your phone by sms set a password here.
7. "Lock  when SIM change" - if you change a sim you must log in by unlock code.
8. "SMS alert number" - If  any other person change your Sim you will be notifyed by sms which number you have set here.
9. "Wipe Code" - If you want to remove your mobile data by sms you must set a wipe code.
For more details please read the application help or make a comment here.

OK. Now enjoy.


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